
Re-Feather Your Empty Nest

bigstock-Empty-nest-on-green-grass-44741620The day finally came.

You helped pack up the car and set the last of your brood on his or her own life adventure. No more diaper changing, parent carpools, or calls home from the teacher. So long to blaring music, missed curfews, and dirty clothes strung all through the house. As you sit in your finally quiet house, all you can think about is how much you are going to miss it.

Are you a newly hatched Empty Nester?

Do you suffer from Empty Nest Syndrome?

Do you seek insight on how to effectively handle this new situation and these strange emotions?

The pain of dealing with a newly-emptied nest can be very real for some parents.

You may encounter a strong sense of loss. Many undergo depression and suffer from feelings of rejection and a loss of purpose. Some parents experience worry, stress, and anxiety over their child’s welfare now that he or she is on their own. You may even question whether or not you have adequately prepared your child with the tools and skills they need.

Empty Nest Syndrome can have considerable effects on your personal relationships as well.

Marriage takes on a whole new dynamic now that your children have grown. Can you still maintain a relationship together without the distraction of kids and their activities? What will you have left to talk about? Can you re-kindle the burning flame you both had for each other before your children came into your lives?

The grief felt from Empty Nest Syndrome can be very real. Full-time caregivers, such as stay-at-home moms and dads may be especially vulnerable. Other stressful events going on in your life, such as menopause, retirement, or the death of a close family member of friend, can intensify those emotions even more.

However, there is hope and a fresh perspective when dealing with Empty Nest Syndrome. I promise!

Sometimes you just can’t see them, but the opportunities are wide open. No need to put off those hopes and dreams any longer. Imagine the possibilities of creating a whole new you!

Create positive growth out of this painful time and embrace your new found freedom with Re-Feathering Your Empty Nest!

For this limited time you can purchase a special “Re-feathering your Empty Nest” for only 299.00!

This package includes:

-A compassionate, intuitive direct coaching session with me

-Handouts packed with valuable information on how to effectively move on and start pursuing your hopes and dreams

-Proven tips on how you can effectively recruit your environment to co-create your life

-And much more!

Empty nest parents often face new challenges, such as establishing a new kind of relationship with their children, having to find other ways to occupy their free time, and reconnecting with their spouses in a whole new way.

There’s no need to struggle with your emotions or feel lost wondering what to do next.

Gain insight on how to effectively Re-Feather Your Empty Nest today!

“When mothers talk about the depression of the empty nest, they’re not mourning the passing of all those wet towels on the floor, or the music that numbs your teeth, or even the bottle of capless shampoo dribbling down the shower drain. They’re upset because they’ve gone from supervisor of a child’s life to a spectator. It’s like being the vice president of the United States.”

Erma Bombeck

Questions? Contact Tandy!