
Share the Power!

Good lord.

We have been conditioned to ACCEPT just about anything. We didn’t start out that way. We become conditioned and we are taught who we should, can and can’t be… and what we should or shouldn’t do and accept.

Our Soul is all about growth.

We are all about growth and moving forward. That’s nature. You don’t have to tell the tree to grow big and beautiful or the flower to be beautiful. They just do it naturally. Right?

So, your Soul says grow, and you feel the urge to go for it. You set forth ready to change and grow your business … and then…

All hell breaks loose! Cars break down, family situations flare up, huge expenses will always show up.

Why does that happen?!!

Because your ego needs to make you fearful and to doubt that the growth is a good thing. Its number one job is to keep you safe. After all, we are safety seeking beings, and making a change flies right in the face of that.

So, the “Devil You Know” steps in and says, “Stay here… It’s safe” INSTEAD of pushing through it all to the goal that your heart desires. That is exactly what the EGO or subconsciousness wants to happen.

We can choose to stay safe or we can Choose to move through the chaos to our original goal.

I say CHOOSE that Devil You Don’t Know vs. the Devil You Do Know. Why?

When you are ready to take the next step and uplevel to the next goal, choosing what you know will keep you getting the same results and keep you stuck in the same place. It’s that simple. It may not be comfortable choosing “the devil you don’t know” but neither is staying stuck in the same job or relationship or getting the same mediocre results in your life and work. That can be its own version of hell.

I am here to help you get to where you want to go. To help you see with clarity what is there waiting for you on the other side of the EGO and the evidence of resistance.

To help you see what you can’t see for yourself. To help you choose the Devil You DON’T know.

If this strikes a cord with you, let’s talk. Schedule a conversation with me here.