Powerful women, NOT making a stand for what they want. I see it all of the time.
More often than not, when I begin coaching a new client there is a relationship that MUST be leveled up. It could be a spouse, parent, kid, boss, friend.
Who is that in your life? There is usually a “power leak” and boundary issue.
It can look like…
Biting your tongue
Stuffing it down
Not speaking up
Tolerating what doesn’t work.
How long are you willing to continue tolerating?
Financially, physically, mentally or emotionally? You want more. But you are tolerating so many things that are keeping you stuck exactly where you don’t want to be.
You know you are here to do more, be more, and have MORE. A LOT MORE.
In the last 6 years working with hundreds of women (and quite a few men!), I have discovered the ingredients to owning your power, your voice and to making real money.
What I help them understand is that the REAL WORK happens from the inside out AND it’s all about Owning Your Power. In order to accelerate your income, speak up for what you need, take QUANTUM LEAPS, and have what you’ve never had before you must be willing to do what you have never done before.
I am VERY excited to be offering a NEW VIP Group Program that will be starting in October. I have loved all of the calls and responses to the new program… and it hasn’t even been officially announced. People have already begun signing up!
You do not have to continue tolerating what isn’t working.
You can learn to speak your truth and what you need.
Reach out and lets talk, click on the link HERE.