I am deep into de-cluttering my now empty nest.
Through the years I have been doing this off and on as each kid has flown the nest.This weekend was all about books. I was amazed at my attachment to so many of them, baby, marriage, self help, adoption trauma, Oprah’s Book Club, Birds, Money you name it, I had a book about it. What I really realized was that a lot of what I had was bought because I felt like I needed to “fix” something. I am not broken, those had to go. What I am doing besides ridding myself of the old, is really enjoying the books I do have and really love. I am re-discovering things I had forgotten about.
It was however, another initiation and lesson into what clutter really is and how it can affect you.
Clutter is anything that is unloved, unused, stagnant, tolerated and unorganized.
When you have clutter you are impeding your prosperity and your personal and professional effectiveness.
Clutter creates procrastination and distraction. Haven’t you felt that when you need to clear out those drawers, your desk, the basement or the clothes that you haven’t worn in 3 years? It creates a distraction in the brain from what you are trying to accomplish.
When you remove the layers of “stuff” you don’t really want, you uncover gems that you forgot about.
Do you often find yourself saying I can’t get x done until I get this organized/figured out/put away/cleaned up? It literally drains the energy from your space, mind and body. I have seen clients avoid entire areas of their homes because it’s cluttered and overwhelming. I have had clients brought to tears over a closet being organized or a room they never thought they would use being opened up.
Guess what else clutter is blocking?
Your Power.
Yes, the magical P word that I love to use! How can you be in your power and in a concentrated place of mind when you have the constant looming of a messy unorganized space waiting for you to come home to?
That is why I incorporate Feng Shui into my work.
Your space is the blueprint for your life and what is going on in it, 100% of the time. While there are many layers in creating your space for success- clean, clear and de-cluttered is always where we begin.
I use a Bagua Map (attached is one of your own to save) to guide me through my clients homes and offices. Clutter almost always correlates to the areas of your life that you are having troubles in. In order to successfully apply feng shui in your space you need to define the bagua, or the energy map, of your space.
Sound out there? Yes maybe….but it works. I have been doing this for almost 10 years. I have seen amazing results when people recruit their space to back up their life goals.
There is a reason Feng Shui has been around over 5,000 years.
Intrigued? Want more information? Reach out and let’s talk!
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