
Share the Power!

This week has been a week of SURPLUS!

Relationships, rain, new business, marketing snafus, stressed out families, graduations, you get the picture.

When there is a surplus, there has to be a re-organization in order to get everything done that needs to be done.

Which leads me to this!

Success can often times come at the expense of other areas of your life. But it doesn’t have to.

In order to have an optimal life and business, you can only really manage to have 5 -7 roles at any given time. If you have more than that, things get waaay out of balance which leads to frustration, shallow relationships, and overall mediocrity.

You get to choose what they are, but 5-7 is the magic number.

Here is a list to begin to choose from:

Business owner (it takes up two circles, you work ON and IN your business)








Maybe you have others.

Yikes! Right?  Only 5-7? Any more and it just isn’t feasible to have the balance that we need. 

Something or someone must be balanced out for the time being.

Brutal but true.

What or Who do you need to clear some time around? 

It may seem hard to do at first, but it will allow you to be more present and effective in your life and business AND begin to make space for deeper relationships, more success and overall balance.

Own your power and run your life like a boss~


 All my best,


PS – Here are 3 ways that you can connect with me!


1) Hop on a complimentary call with me! – https://calendly.com/tandy-1/20-minute?month=2019-05


2) Book a Soul Session and get a  guaranteed breakthrough! https://tandypryorcoaching.com/soulsessions/


3) Join my Own Your Power Facebook Group!
