It is almost that time of the year! The Holidays! Whether you love them or hate them, here they are!
Many of you know that I coach women in business and not preparing or being intentional during this time of year can really throw your business goals into a tailspin.

I thought it would be a good idea to share some ideas about how to have a great Thanksgiving Holiday. Whether you are celebrating indigenous cultures or the traditional US Holiday, here are some ideas to help you fully enjoy one of our most celebrated days.
1) Set your intention and create your own traditions. If you find that you go on autopilot at this time of year (you know… using the same jello mold that your mom used 🙂 Be bold enough to create what you would really like to have the day be like. Planning ahead is KEY. Ask for what people do and don’t want (if you want input) and if you are in charge, create the day that you want.
2) Set the mood. Decorate with low lights, lots of candles and beautiful golden gourds, pumpkins and “earth” gifts. Orange is the color of fire which encourages conversation among your guests. Make sure the centerpiece is low to the table and made from fresh fruit and veggies since they are all about abundance, good health and longevity.
3) Implement good boundaries. This should be number 1. It is one of the most important things that can assure that you have a celebration and dinner that is enjoyable all the way around. Be willing to speak up for what you need and want. Step out of old patterns and situations that can blow sky high. THIS is one of the #1 things I work with people on.
4) Stay grounded and centered. Just because the holidays are here doesn’t mean that you need to throw out the routines that keep you connected to you. You are worth it. Whether its yoga, meditation, exercise, salt baths, or another routine that makes you feel like you, it’s important to keep your routine in place.
5) What is your favorite memory of Thanksgivings growing up? What or who was involved. Is it a feeling or is there something that you can recreate? I enjoyed seeing my cousins and gathering at my Grandparent’s house in Kentucky. SO much fun playing cards and doing puzzles and playing on the farm. When my kids were little we would always go on an exploration of my parents’ farm. All of us together hiking or exploring abandoned cabins or barns.
I hope that this spurs you on to have a holiday season that supports you in creating the life and business that you want.
All My Best,

P.S. – Check out my SUPER EXCITING new program Financial Advisors On Fire
P.P.S. – Want to chat? Schedule a call with me, let’s get you on track!
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