
Share the Power!

?? Oh, you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not shout I’m telling you why… Santa Claus is coming to town! ??

Do you remember hearing that song as a kid? What did you think of it? For some of you, it was probably a source of angst as you tried so hard to be good so that Santa would visit you with his bag full of gifts! 

For others, maybe you knew it was just a parental scare tactic right from the beginning.

The idea of Santa has gotten me thinking about a question, during this holiday season. 

How about those lies that we are told right from the beginning? Are there stories and scripts that we are given, about ourselves or others or the world around us, that simply are untrue? I’ll give you the answer. YES! All of us are given stories that are lies at one point or another. 

Now, this doesn’t mean that we had terrible parents or that the influential adults in our lives were out to get us! Some stories, like Santa, are fun and harmless. However, there are other stories that are not so benign. These stories are often about ourselves or other people, and they can limit us and narrow our point of view for years to come. 

One of the most important aspects of my work is to help you uncover those stories that you believe, and make decisions from, that just are plain old lies. 

Busting through those limiting narratives is one of the first steps in becoming the powerful, true and beautiful you that’s locked inside of those old, damaging stories. 

So, what do you say? Are you ready to take a step towards owning your power and true self? If so, let’s have a chat to start that process and start rewriting the stories that you have been told about yourself since the beginning.

All My Best,

P.S. – Check out my SUPER EXCITING new program Financial Advisors On Fire 

and my fantastic holiday discount on Soul Sessions!

P.P.S. – Want to chat? Schedule a call with me, let’s get you on track!

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