I was thinking today we could do a practice around the home you live in and the meaning behind it. We are going to have some fun!
What is the “number” of your house and what does that mean about the home you are inhabiting?
This may seem out there but hang with me anyway, it’s good stuff!
If you have been following me for a while then you know I speak about how important your physical space is to your success in life and business. One of the ways I create spaces for success is the 5,000-year-old art of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui is all about vibrations and every number has a vibration, the number of your house can set the tone for your living or working space. This part of Feng Shui is called Numerology. This modality dates back to the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras. It is all still relevant and used to this day.
To get the number of your house, add up all of the numbers and reduce down to a single digit. For example mine is 5622. 5+6+2+2= 15, 1+5 = 6. I live in a 6 house.
Here are the numbers and what they mean for the house/office that they are on.
1 – Entrepreneurship, great place to start a business!
2 – LOVE – Great place to reside if you want to find or keep love.
3 – Creativity and verbal expression, great party house!
4 – This is a wonderful home to “put down roots” like after a divorce.
5 – Busy house, gathering place for sharing ideas, think lots of coming and going.
6 – Great house for raising kids and growing families.
7 – Perfect house for metaphysical studies and spiritual development.
8 – Money house, inner power, authority and wealth!
9 – Humanitarian space, working for the greater good.
Does the number that you came up with resonate with you and where you are and where you are headed?
How can you enhance the natural strength of the home you are residing in?
All My Best,

P.S. – Check out my SUPER EXCITING new program Financial Advisors On Fire
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