FBI to Kentucky Farmer

FBI to Kentucky Farmer

In the summer of 1973, my 12 year old world was turned upside down. My Mom and Dad moved us from the suburbs of Cincinnati to the family farm in Woodford County, Kentucky. My Dad had spent 25 years with the FBI, and since Nixon decided to make friends with the...
911, Turning 40, Divorce… I Lit Up My Life

911, Turning 40, Divorce… I Lit Up My Life

In 2002, several months after 911 and my 40th birthday, I could not tolerate my life or marriage anymore. None of it was working. It was soul killing. My marriage ended and my entrepreneurial journey continued… with a lot more urgency! To say it was hard would...
Joy and the Cleavers

Joy and the Cleavers

I thought the word Joy was a boring cliche and was only meant for “Ward and June Cleaver.” I believed it was for people that were putting on an act. It didn’t feel genuine. Then, I started studying what it really meant and how it was different from...
Whose Shoulders Do You Stand On?

Whose Shoulders Do You Stand On?

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” – Sir Isaac Newton As I reflect back over the last 7 years in business, as well as the last 56 years on earth, I am looking at all of the people whose wisdom and investment in me eased my...